

I think it's funny when older technicians play tricks on younger ones. For instance, telling someone to "Go pull the shutters on all the par cans!" in a very urgent tone. Oh...uhh...for those of you who don't know:


No shutters to speak of...

Or when you ask a young electrician to get you R666 or some other color that doesn't exist. Or when you:

  • Ask someone to test a generator by "licking it"
  • Tell a noobie audio tech to go put fresh batteries in the SM-58s
  • Ask someone to put that "up downstage"
  • This one is sort of unintentional, but apparently when people say "drop the gel" to an electrician focusing on an AP, and the electrician hasn't heard the phrase "drop the gel" before, some electricians will just...drop the gel off the AP.
  • Tell the very timid and brand new student running crew that there is a ghost who listens to rock music in the building and then going to the basement with a wired com and playing rock music over said com...but then again, I'm probably the only one unfortunate enough to experience that...
The ever popular "Watching the programmer in training on a Express console try to figure out why his lights aren't on, when his Grandmaster is at 0.

Funny things, just don't let them take you as their next victim!


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