
Being A Technician With Actors Around

Actors are not technicians.

But actors and techies still work in the same industry.

Yet there is still this weird divide between the two. Technicians seem to think that every actor is a stupid, arrogant, baby that requires constant supervision. Actors seem to think that theater technicians are untrained, useless, low-life scum with the same skill-set as a janitor.

Some actors are.

Some techs are.

I don't think it's the norm.

If it was the norm, the entertainment industry would not work at all.

If you are one of the people that lumps all techs/actors in a bad category and will not stop talking about it...


don't bring it here.



Talking crap about a large group of people at once, especially if you don't know most of the people, pretty much makes you as silly as the stereotype you're bashing.

Now if you know of a large company of stupid arrogant actors or a team of useless dumb technicians that fit the above stereotypes, by all means, bash away.

Just try to avoid doing it when you should be working.

That's the end of that half energetic rant...

I'm slightly tired tonight.

: )


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