
Watching a Show

I dont know if I have mentioned this already, but my school has two theateres, a small one used for class shows and a large one used for tours and rentals.

I saw a really good version of Cabaret last night in the 'lil one. That show is so...emotionally skitzophrenic. One minute your laughing, then, at the end of the scene, something sad will happen. Then the scene ends. Blackout...and when the lights return the mood on stage is light and happy again. It threw me off a little.

Any who, good show. If you get a chance to see it, you should.


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1 comment:

Emlyn said...

I saw the national theatre school of canada's production of Cabaret this winter, it was incredible, and the first time I had seen the show. I know exactly what you mean when you say it's emotionally schizophrenic.